Grade I Snap Dragon Hunters Badge-B'eastly Boxes

The Guild of Dragon Hunters

While we have a few thousand people searching for Snap Dragons there are only 62 registered badge wearing members of the guild.

They have chosen to help us conservate Norfolk's local Snap Dragon inhabitants.

Sometimes the Grade I Dragons Hunters Guild Badge is avaliable alongside a collection, this is the opportunity to join the ranks of the guild.

Grade I Dragon Hunters

Those that have chosen to support the cause and entered the first circle of the guild. Some may wear their badge openly, others may hide it to avoid detection. All are friends the guild.

A change of Tradition

Traditionally the Dragon Hunters Guild would seek to hunt and smash, dragons. Harvesting them for their mystical properties.

This new guild seeks to change tradition. It's goal is to recover the Dragons and simply allow them to exist, out of harms way.

Some efforts have been made to document the Snap Dragons found so far.

Grade II Dragon Hunters

For those that have a keen understanding of our Hunts, how they work and why they are so important. These are some of the most supportive hunters we have, and sure to lend you a hand in the field.